La chlorella est une algue d'eau douce riche en de nombreux nutriments. Il est plus cher que la spiruline en raison du processus plus long et plus compliqué de sa production. Dans sa composition, nous pouvons trouver, entre autres, des vitamines de vitamine C, D, E et B. c'est aussi une source précieuse: fer, calcium, zinc, phosphore et iode. Il doit sa couleur vert foncé à la présence de chlorophylle. & Nbsp; chlorella, grâce au contenu de la vitamine B12 et du fer, est particulièrement populaire parmi les végétariens, les végétaliens, les femmes enceintes et les athlètes actifs. Il contient plus de deux fois plus d'acide nucléique et de la chlorophylle que la spiruline, mais moins de protéines et un peu de bêta-carotène. & NBSP; Chlorella est la seule source verte d'un nutriment appelé chlorella Growth (CGF). Grâce au CGF, il améliore les processus de croissance chez les enfants, maintient la santé à l'âge tardif, guérit les blessures, initie une augmentation où il a été détenu par u
"History and Origin of Quinoa
Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) is native to South America and has been grown as the main food crop since 6000 years ago. Quinoa was already used by the Incas as a field product. The plant is able to grow under cold, nutrient-poor and dry conditions. The growth period is about 5-6 months.
Through crossbreeding, quinoa varieties have been created which can grow in European and North American conditions. In the first half of April the quinoa is sown in Europe and the harvest takes place from mid-September.
Production Process Quinoa Flakes
After harvest, the quinoa is first cleaned. Then the quinoa is washed to remove the saponin. Then it is dried and the best pieces will be selected by hand. These pieces are soaked to flatten the quinoa. After drying, the quinoa is sieved and then processed into quinoa flakes.
Healthy properties Quinoa Flakes
<Quinoa flakes are rich in vitamins B2, E, iron, copper and magnesium. Quino…"
Sac poissonnerie polypro
dimensions:360 x 200 x 270 mm
grammage:160 g/m²
matière:100% polypropylène tissé
détails:2 anses courtes en polypropylène tressé
The plastic container stackable 20 liters container is produced of the high-quality polyethylene, is designed for storage and transportation of food products, industrial liquids, microfertilizers, growth stimulators, etc.
The constructive peculiarities, outside dimensions and durability of the stockpile polyethylene container 20 l., allow placing the containers on the trays without the additional spacing material in tiers which makes possible the maximum loading of transport and economy of warehousing premises.
For the marketable condition maintenance and convenience of loading and unloading works the plastic container is packed in the polyethylene bags and is installed on the trays and tightened with the stretch film.
The goods may be delivered throughout Ukraine, Europe, CIS, and Russia. The bottles customer pick-up is possible from Vasishchevo, Kharkov region, Ukraine or from the warehouse in Belgorod, Russia.
Usage:Packaging for transportation and storage of hazardous substances, food & beverages, industrial chemi
Capacity (L):20,0
Color:White, Natural, other colors on request
Neck Finish (mm):Ø 48,9
Closure (mm):DIN 60
Induction Heat Seal:-
Tamper Evident Closure:+
View stripe:+
Height (mm):382,0
Length (mm):292,0
Width (mm):245,0
the size of the label:215*220
Masque purifiant et clarifiant à la texture fraîche et onctueuse. Formulé à partir de boue volcanique issue de la géothermie néo-zélandaise, ce masque adapté à tous les types de peaux nettoie et détoxifie la peau en profondeur.
Halo Masque De Boue Volcanique ANTIPODES est la solution pour une peau parfaite ! Cette boue volcanique puisée au plus profond des terres néo-zélandaises libère en profondeur ses puissants ingrédients actifs afin de raffermir et redonner de l’éclat à la peau du visage en un instant. Le composé antioxydant Vinanza® Grape & Kiwi, savant mélange de raisins sauvignon blancs et de kiwi récoltés en Nouvelle-Zélande, améliore instantanément l’apparence de la peau. Très prisée, la pivoine contribue également à la luminosité et la clarté de la peau en corrigeant les irrégularités du teint, tandis que les esters de jojoba permettent d’exfolier les cellules mortes.
Une large gamme de barquettes operculables haute barrière pour le conditionnement de vos produits frais.
Déclinable en plusieurs formats et plusieurs hauteurs, le design de ces barquettes operculables éco-conçues et hautement barrière contribue à valoriser la présentation de vos produits en linéaires.
Matériaux : xps/evoh/pe, ps/evoh/pe, apet/pe, apet, pvc/pe
Les points forts
- Eco-conçue
- Haute barrière
- Design soigné
- Operculable
- Automatisable
- Fonds munis de capteurs d'exsudat sur certains modèles.
- Possibilité de dépose de buvards.
Viande, saucisserie, hâchés, produits de la mer...
Mezclador ultrarrápido y de gran precisión, indicado para cualquier tipo de mezcla y de productos, muy especialmente para aquellos de morfología frágil que se desea respetar.
El Instamix está provisto de dos ejes con palas a contragiro, que producen dos intensos flujos ascendentes de producto generando una zona de ingravidez con un intenso efecto de mezcla.
We are European top baby food formula distributor. Contact For Details. Top Quality Milk & Dairy.
Top Quality Baby Food. We Ship Worldwide.
Making the right feeding choices for you and your baby. With over 25 years of experience in baby nutrition, our passionate team of over 50 paediatricians, nutritionists and scientists, continue to take inspiration from the benefits of nature, to develop our unique formulas, tailored to support your baby's nutritional needs at every stage of development.
Contact us for details on our Milk and infant food products .
İşletmeniz için yüksek kaliteli ambalaj filmleri mi arıyorsunuz? BOPP, CPP, OPP, Metalize Film, Sedef Film ve Streç Film serimizden başka bir yere bakmayın!
Filmlerimiz, rakipsiz bir güç ve dayanıklılık sunmalarını sağlayan en iyi malzemelerden yapılmıştır. Ve çok yönlü tasarımlarıyla, çok çeşitli paketleme uygulamaları için mükemmeldirler.
Volume Information Volume To Rim : 10.067 lt.
Volume Under Lid : 9.600 lt.
Dimensions Upper Diameter : ø 270.73 mm.
Bottom Diameter : ø 233.75 mm.
Height : 217.00 mm.
Weight Informations Container : 230 gr.
Lid : 62 gr.
Handle : 11 gr.
Total : 303 gr.
Container I.M.L. Single Side : -
Double Side : -
Wrap Around : -
Lid I.M.L. :
Container Offset :
Usage Area Food :
General Purpose : -
Colors Transparent : -
Colored :
Begyndermodellen fra Swienty med bordstativ og switch
DANA api MATIC 1000 er en tappemaskine med tandhjulspumpe. En stærk lavspændings jævnstrømsmotor driver tandhjulspumpen ved hjælp af et snekkegear. Motoren bliver styret af computerbaseret elektronik, der også sørger for perfekt antidryp funktion. Tappemaskinen rummer 20 aftapningsprogrammer med vægt, kalibreringsfaktor og aftapningsparametre i sin hukommelse.
Maskinen arbejder nøjagtigt og det er nemt at indstille den til forskellige medier. Som pumpe arbejder maskinen i begge retninger og kan indstilles til forskellige hastigheder.
Alle de dele der kommer i forbindelse med mediet er fremstillet af et levnedsmiddel godkendt kunststof eller rustfri stål, der er nemt at adskille og rengøre.
Stativet er produceret i kraftigt rustfri stål og det har et glasstyr i plast, som du kan holde glasset ind
The Fruit and Vegetables drying heat pump: is produced for the manufacturers in the food drying sector but because of its functional structure the type of drying is followed by the carpet cleaning factories. With the use of heat pump technology in the drying sector, it has become one of the drying methods with increasing efficiency.
The food desiccant heat pump takes some of its energy from the air as it is in the air source heat pumps, and takes a part of it from the electric energy. The fruit and vegetable desiccant heat pump is placed inside the fully insulated drying chamber and the inside of the drying chamber is 65 ° C, allowing the water to evaporate in the fruit, vegetable, or other food products. The evaporator water is carried to the heat pump by means of fans, and the liquid is thrown out by making it liquid. In this way, the drying process is completed.
Les grands conteneurs emboîtables de Craemer sont disponibles en différentes tailles de 210 l à 400 l et peuvent être utilisés de manière polyvalente. Fabriqués en pur PE, les grands conteneurs emboîtables adaptés aux denrées alimentaires sont établis depuis des années dans l'industrie de la viande grâce à leur facilité de nettoyage et leur qualité élevée. Les grands conteneurs emboîtables ont fait leurs preuves pour différentes applications.
Caractéristiques :
— Disponibles en différentes tailles de 210 l à 400 l
— Fabriqués en pur PE
— Parois épaisses, qualité lourde
— Emboîtables
— Empilables avec couvercle (les bacs de 300 l sont également empilables sans couvercle)
— Levage possible par chariot élévateur ou transpalette
— Résistent à la plupart des produits chimiques et des nettoyants
— Faciles à nettoyer grâce aux parois intérieures et extérieures lisses
— Équipés d’un renfort (sauf bacs de 300 l)
En option :
— Couvercles
— Chariot (210 et 400 litres)
LABOGRAIN marka GAV400 modeldir. Raylı tip olup 13,60 m araç kasası da dahil olmak üzere kör nokta bırakmadan kasanın tümünden numune alabilmektedir. Cihaz kullanılan Blower sayesinde buğday, arpa,mısır, ayçekirdeği, çeltik, çavdar, yulaf gibi tahılların yanı sıra, fasulye, nohut gibi ağır ürünleri ve tüm yem hammaddelerinden 2-12 saniyede (30 metre) laboratuvarda bulunan numune kabına taşımaktadır. Üzerinde saydam penceresi olan numune toplama kabıyla, numune miktarı takip edilebilmekte, istenirse numune alma miktarı ayarlanabilmektedir.
Cihazın numune alma kolu (boom) iç ve dış boom olarak iki kısımdan oluşur. Ciihaz kapalı konumda 260 cm açık konumda ise 410cm uzunluğa sahiptir. Cihazın sondasının uzunluğu 250 cmdir.
Numune alma sondası 350 derece hareket edebilmektedir. Bu sayede iki araçtan birden aynı anda numune alabilme kaabiliyetine sahiptir. Joystick ve uzaktan kumanda sayesinde hem kontrol odasından hem de araç yakınından kumanda edilebilmektedir.
Among our 1700 available flavouring references, the standard gastronomic range of more than 250 flavourings will satisfy the majority of uses. All products listed below are available in bottles of 58ml, 115ml, 500ml, 1 litre, and in cans of 5 L, 10 L or 25 Litres.
The inside is 100% leak proof
User-friendly packaging
Can be used to store and carry food
Custom printing#8 TAKE AWAY BOX 170x140x65
Case Quantity:300
Case Size:540x565x340
C’est un détergent alcalin concentré, non moussant, à teneur élevée en chlore actif. Le produit permet de nettoyer en profondeur et de désinfecter l’intérieur des citernes alimentaires (transport de lait, jus, chocolat, etc.).
RetailPowerScale – the software all-rounder for the scale that can do it all: Selling, cashing, labeling, advising customers, advertising and weighing. Standardized, open-source and easy to expand.
RetailPowerScale provides the all-in-one solution for the retail trade. From specialist food stores to globally acting retailers RetailPowerScale is the key to turn your PC scale into a multi-functional device.
But that's not all: Additional functions are easily and quickly available via modular RetailApps. Exactly scaleable in the required functionality, detailed adaptable layout. Individuality is combined with the advantages of standard software which seamlessly integrates in existing IT infrastructure.
Lower operating costs while increasing sales: RetailPowerScale makes it possible. The sophisticated use of operator display and a customer display which can be separately addressed opens up new opportunities in sales at the point of service. The scale becomes a sales assistant and...
Fairtrade is a label used worldwide that is committed to the establishment of, and compliance with, social, economic and ecological standards. Certified products, such as Fairtrade sugar, bear the Fairtrade label in the retail and wholesale trade. Fairly traded sugar contributes towards improving the living standards and working conditions of farming families in Latin American, Asian and African countries.
Schonendes und praktisches Entkernen von Kirschen, Marillen und Zwetschken
Rostfreie Ausführung AISI 304
Leistung: 500 kg/h
230 V 0,55 kW
Ladegröße Trichter 450x400 mm
Gewicht: 43 kg
Größe des Gerätes: 930x510x515mm